Categories for Additions

Where to Start When Planning a Home Addition

October 13, 2020

When you first bought your home, it was likely the perfect size. You had more than enough space to stretch out and enjoy yourself. Now, a few years (and maybe a few children) later, you’re finding that you’re constantly bumping up against the limitations of your space. For countless homeowners throughout the area, moving to a new home isn’t necessarily an option. Perhaps you enjoy the community surrounding you, the school district and the grocery store. Maybe you’ve built up a group of friends and neighbors you’re not ready to leave. In this case, it might be time to think... View Article

How to Plan for a Home Addition

September 10, 2020

If you’re interested in putting an addition on your home, it’s important that you engage in some thorough planning before you get started to ensure the job gets completed safely, efficiently and to high standards of quality, while also giving you everything you’ve dreamed of with the new space. Here are just a few home addition planning tips for you to consider as you begin your project in Santa Fe, NM: Have a goal in mind: It’s helpful to know exactly what you want out of your space before you start bidding the job out to contractors. This makes it... View Article

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