When planning a remodel, most homeowners are concerned about all that they need to do. Just as importantly, though, is a list of what not to do. Let’s take a quick look at a few things you should definitely not do during your home remodel. These are important remodeling tips for homeowners that you should consider first. Don’t DIY Everything Unless you are an experienced contractor or carpenter, chances are you do not have the proper skills necessary to do every aspect of your remodel project. It is tempting to save money by doing all the work yourself, but during... View Article
The kitchen triangle is a kitchen layout design principle based on the idea that the three main kitchen functions (cooking, cleaning, and food storage) should be located close to one another to save time and energy. The kitchen triangle has been used for centuries as an efficient way to lay out a kitchen, but is it still relevant today? The answer is yes. The kitchen triangle is still a good general guideline for kitchen layout, but it is not the only factor to consider when designing a kitchen. With the advent of open concept kitchen layouts and the popularity of... View Article
Are you thinking about adding a guest house? Maybe you have some extra land that you can use, or maybe you are looking to make some additional money from a renter. There are many reasons why a homeowner would consider building a guest house. Whatever your reason is, there are various things that you can consider and tips to keep in mind. Familiarize Yourself With Local Laws Prior to beginning any research on guest houses, you need to do some research on the laws in your area to see if you are able to build one. Different locations have different... View Article
The kitchen is the heart of any home. This is where the family gathers, throw-downs happen, and all the fun begins. Therefore, you have to consider functionality while designing it and ensure its aesthetically appealing and reflects your style. But how do you strike a balance? Here are some kitchen design tips to help you achieve that perfectly balanced dream kitchen. Have a Wishlist Mind map and write down all the features you want in your dream kitchen. If you have an existing kitchen, write down all that’s not working for you in the current space and what you’d love... View Article
Welcome to Apple Construction! Let’s get that ranching dream started. The first time you have the thought “I want to buy a ranch” is an exciting one. You have big dreams of wide-open spaces that you want to fill up with love and admiration of the country lifestyle. It won’t take long until the realities of ranch owning hit if you do your homework right. Even so, owning a ranch will still be a dream come true. Learn more about what to consider when buying a ranch here. Know What You Want To Do There are many reasons why people... View Article