Are you ready to take your home design to the next level? Smart mirrors in Santa Fe, NM are the latest innovations transforming bathroom mirror upgrades. If you want to enjoy the latest conveniences technology has to offer, a smart bathroom mirror is a must-have. What exactly is this bathroom mirror upgrade in Santa Fe, NM? Here’s the inside track on everything you need to know about bathroom TV mirrors and smart mirrors. How they work Smart mirrors in Santa Fe, NM are two-way mirrors. They allow light to pass through the mirror, so you can see an image other... View Article
A well-insulated home is the key to energy efficiency and indoor comfort all year round. To achieve the proper amount of wall insulation, you can add more insulation to existing material or completely replace it with brand-new material. Insulation helps your home retain warm indoor air during the winter months and cold indoor air in the summertime. If you can feel the outdoor air coming through your walls, chances are, the walls have the wrong type of insulation for the climate where you live or are lacking the proper amount of insulation. You don’t have to be a professional installation... View Article
Saving energy is something we all must do to some degree to protect the planet, but it benefits all of us as individuals, too. Deploying energy saving strategies, like upgrading to energy-efficient home features, can also save you money on your energy bills. The good news is that everybody has the ability to be more energy efficient. Start by making some simple changes, or dive right into big home improvement projects that save energy. If you’re a homeowner who is interested in energy-saving remodeling in Santa Fe, NM, then the following information is for you. Here’s what you can do... View Article
If you’re planning a remodel of your home and you’re not thinking beyond new floors and a fresh coat of paint, you could be selling yourself short. In the Southwest, moving your windows to a southern exposure can have untold benefits. Remodeling your home? It’s time to consider window upgrades in Santa Fe, NM. The beauty of a southern exposure Choosing your window placement isn’t all about the view—you can also do quite a bit to help your energy bottom line with a little practical thinking. Throughout the country, home decor and construction experts uniformly tout the benefits of south-facing... View Article
At the end of a long summer, do you find your wallet significantly lighter, thanks to a fresh round of energy bills? When the winter rolls in, do you find your home reaching finger-numbing temperatures without a whole lot of help from your heater? As the American Southwest braces for another winter, perhaps it’s time to invest in energy-saving insulation in Santa Fe, NM. Why is insulation so important? As most homeowners are aware, insulation is that strange fluffy material that’s crammed between the interior walls of your home and the outside. The goal of this insulation is to help... View Article