The construction and roofing industries have seen a number of developments in recent decades that have catapulted us into the future. Our building materials are more advanced and eco-friendlier than ever, and Apple Construction LLC’s clients now have more options than ever before. However, despite all of these advances, this doesn’t mean we would ever advocate stopping the use of tried and true materials that have worked for centuries. Some materials have been in use seemingly forever for the simple reason that they get the job done, no matter what. Terracotta roof installation in Santa Fe, NM is one reliable... View Article
Do you simply use your staircase to get from one floor to the next? Or, are you like thousands of homeowners whose staircases double as a place to store their belongings? Homeowners with staircase drawers in Santa Fe, NM tend to have less messy houses and are generally just more organized. Continue reading to learn more about your staircase storage options. Where is staircase storage useful? Most homes could benefit from staircase storage. However, these types of houses could really use some extra storage space under their stairs: Small homes: People who downsize and live in a smaller house face... View Article
The kitchen is the heart of the home. It’s not just an area where meals are prepared—it’s also a gathering point for friends and family. If properly incorporated, kitchen islands in Santa Fe, NM can be the center of attention in your kitchen. Kitchen trends come and go every few years, but there are always a few that seem to have some real staying power. Continue reading to learn a few of the trends we don’t see disappearing anytime soon. Increased functionality The kitchen island may have only been utilized as an extra space for meal prep in the past.... View Article
Building a custom luxury home is an investment here in Santa Fe, NM—but if you build it and time it right, you could see great returns on that investment. Real estate tends to be a more stable investment than precious metals, stocks and currency, so long as you build a quality home in a good location. If you’re getting ready to build your own luxury home, read these tips to find out what makes a good luxury home investment, and how to position yourself so you’ll be poised to receive the best returns if you decide to sell. Location, location,... View Article
Insulated concrete forms (ICF) are an excellent way to add energy efficiency, durability and soundproofing to your custom-built home in Santa Fe, NM. Insulated concrete forms are becoming increasingly popular in home construction, thanks to their ability to keep utility costs low while adding strength and reducing the carbon footprint. Is an insulated concrete form right for your home building project? Here is an overview of how they are made, and the advantages and drawbacks of using them. How insulated concrete forms are constructed Insulated concrete forms in Santa Fe, NM are made with two panels of thick foam, which... View Article